Invitation to participate, and benefits: You are invited to participate in a research study conducted with residents in the Zeeokoevlei Catchment. Nitrogen is a basic element and building block essential for life. The nitrogen cycle is changing dramatically with human activity and there remains a lot we still don’t understand. Rivers, wetlands and soils are important players in the nitrogen cycle and we need to quantify their role at the watershed scale in an urban setting. This questionnaire aims to understand the major nitrogen inputs in the residential areas of the Zeekoevlei Catchment.
Procedures: During this questionnaire, you will be asked provide details of your household, garden and habits, such as whether you have dogs and how much you feed them, or whether you have a garden and how much you water it .
Risks: There are no potentially harmful risks related to your participation in this study.
Disclaimer/Withdrawal: Your participation is completely voluntary; you may refuse to participate, and you may withdraw at any time without having to state a reason and without any prejudice or penalty against you. Should you choose to withdraw, the researcher commits not to use any of the information you have provided without your signed consent. Note that the researcher may also withdraw you from the study at any time.
Confidentiality: All information collected in this study will be kept private in that you will not be identified by name or by affiliation to an institution. This is an anonymous survey and we will not be using your email address. IP addresses are not saved either.
What signing this form means: By signing this consent form, you agree to participate in this research study. The aim, procedures to be used, as well as the potential risks and benefits of your participation have been explained verbally to you in detail, using this form. Refusal to participate in or withdrawal from this study at any time will have no effect on you in any way. You are free to contact me, to ask questions or request further information, at any time during this research.